There is a wide range of kettles available on the market today and the prices can vary considerably. However, before you rush out and buy the cheapest model available, it is worth considering what exactly you are getting for your money. Remember that sometimes it is worth paying a little extra for a design that is well built, durable and will stand the test of time.  

 Energy efficiency is an increasingly important factor as homeowners struggle to pay ever-rising energy bills and climate change becomes more of a pressing issue. Most kettles use the same amount of energy to boil a litre of water but where models differ is when they switch off after reaching boiling point. In addition, having the ability to easily measure how much water you need to boil will reduce the amount of energy you use by not heating extra water unnecessarily. There are various independent websites that provide information about the energy efficiency of different kettles so you are sure to find one that is suitable for you. 


 Performance and functionality are also important factors when choosing a good quality kettle. Many basic kettle designs have a plug but most people will find a cordless kettle easier to use. If you want a really traditional design then you could purchase a kettle that heats on the hob, however, these kettles tend to be less energy efficient when it comes to heating water than electric kettles. Some kettles boil water at a much faster rate than others, which may affect which model you decide on. In addition, features like the self-opening lid can quickly wear and break on less well-constructed designs. 

 Design is often important to consumers because they want appliances that will compliment the style of their kitchen. Stainless steel kettles tend to be more expensive than plastic kettles but they are also very durable and smart. You may decide to go for an upright modern design in one of many bright colours or something that looks a little more traditional like the hob kettle.For more info, visit The Golden Path Biz.  

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